Cleanse and condition

Political progress is a fragile creature. Here, on plebeian ground, the good feels, all too frequently, as though it were derived more from luck than sound judgement and the bad feels more like the result of reckless, even ruthless neglect than unhappy accident.

The Coalition is “clearing up” thirteen years of New Labour governance by scrapping or corrupting its better effects and building on the awful things Labour did that undermined our stability and prosperity. Before that, New Labour was busy undoing eighteen years of any Conservative good (come on, there must have been some) and building on the wealth-cocooning, destructive forces that have depleted asset sovereignty and exploited the population. Before that, it was the Tories doing similar and before that, it was Labour. And at no point does either party admit to their weakness and negligence, nor their willing collusion during their alternating periods spent on the Opposition benches. They all make a mess. They are all responsible. To and fro, to and fro; round and round. It’s wash, rinse, repeat, now bottled as a two-in-one. And this is how the country is governed: by ignorance, ego and eager opportunism. Because this is how they view the world. Cleanse and condition. Comb through and style.

2 thoughts on “Cleanse and condition

  1. Political Progress. People progress, organisations (of people) progress. Politics is just a game those who hate progress play. Of all the games to play, they want to play the most destructive and mean. Says a lot.


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